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How to Add Google SMS Channel Link Gadget in Blogger

 How to Add Google SMS Channel Link Gadget in Blogger

Alert your friends and fellows in real time on information that they care about through SMS. It is very useful for everyone if you know how to Add/Start Google SMS Channel Link/Gadget in Blogger. I have said for Bloggers this is 
very helpful because it might be help you and your readers to get synchronous.

Using Google SMS Channel, As a subscriber you can subscribe to channels and you also can create your own channels and invite others to join. You might have seen SMS Channel of Best How To Blogger, you will find that in right sidebar as SMS Symbol.
Before subscribing to or creating an SMS Channel, you need to verify your mobile number.

how can i add my google sms channel link as a gadget to my blog.

Steps to Google SMS Channel Widget in Blogger

#Step 1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to Design > Page Element.

#Step 2. Add below code in HTML/JavaScript widget:
<a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="Subscribe via Google SMS Channel"></a>Change above Red color text with your Google SMS Channel code.

#Step 3. Save Widget and done!.

So benefit of using google sms channel is, you may use the Google SMS service to get news alerts and weather information on your phone.

You don’t really need a mobile phone to send an SMS to your group as there’s an option in Google SMS channels that lets you can compose and send SMS messages via the web itself.